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NOTE:  There is a secret, hidden button to the right of the version code which can be used to go (here) to the boneyard, and from here to other unlisted/hidden pages of the website. When not actually being used during development, this button's link should be removed.

Note:  All our "regulars" are vaccinated and boosted for your protection; if you aren't yet we hope you'll come in person anyway, but we do ask that you wear a mask (we will provide one) for the protection of others.              



The underscores to the right of this text are part of a template hilighting link button.  Copy/paste it and adjust to fit over text you want to make into a link, with underline chars as text to desired length to show the text is linked (or spaces if you want the link invisible until you hover.  Then set the button's link-to field with target URL or page or anchor.  Only underlines in black (transparent background) show until hover, then hilights text in yellow and underlines go red. ============>

SUMC Women's Study

An ongoing Women's Bible Study led by Stacey King at Superior UMC on Fridays at noon.  We finish up at 1pm for our working women.  Bring a sack lunch, a friend, or just yourself!  We're currently reading Patsy Clairmont's "I Second that Emotion"


Coming on Thursday, May 22 at 6pm at Superior UMC:

Cottonpatch Gospel, is an amazing musical version of the gospel story based on the book by Clarence Jordan, narrated by Tom Key, set to great bluegrass tunes by songwriter/performer Harry Chapin, and played by a talented bluegrass quartet.  That's some serious fun!


Movie Nights at SUMC are always free - and we'll even start with a potluck supper at 5pm.  What's not to like?  

Hope to see you there!



   [click on the poster below to see a preview]



Ongoing Women's Bible Study led by Stacey King at Superior UMC Fridays at noon. We finish up at 1pm for our working women. Bring a sack lunch, a friend or just yourself! We're currently reading Patsy Clairmont's "I Second that Emotion"




   don't miss:
 Lasana Kanneh in Concert 
                        Superior UM Church
                         Sunday, October 11
... and                                                resumes October 14
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